We’ve got you covered.
Investment Partners:
We have an asymmetric advantage.
Our Consulting
Work In The
Our Asymmetric Advantage
We established the Cross/Section Capital to put our money where our mouth is. Building an amazing company and breaking through business barriers takes more than a great idea, a great team, or even a great product. It takes a collaborative approach, mutual trust and respect.
We’ve been in the trenches with the companies we invest in — improving processes and operational rigor, streamlining sales strategies, and building relationships with company leaders through our organizational consulting practice. Our time consulting with these teams gives us the influence in business operations, an extremely strong understanding of their value proposition, boots-on-the-ground knowledge of the competitive atmosphere, and perhaps most importantly, trust in the team.
Deep expertise & experience in key markets
Tech-Enabled High Margin Services
Tech-Enabled High Margin Services
Financial Services
Renewable Energy
Data Science
B2B SaaS
B2B SaaS
Artificial Intelligence
Deep expertise & experience in key markets
An investment process that just makes sense.
Consulting Engagement
We only invest in organizations that have engaged with our operational consulting practice.
Earned Growth
We have earned the right to fund the business and are the preferred or sole-sourced capital partner in the investment.
With a fresh set of eyes, we’ll undergo a robust due diligence process where we fully examine the business, the economics, and review the financials of the business.
We seek to democratize the decision making process with our investment partners and target organizations, looking for unique perspectives on the business and market it serves.
Our typical deal includes a check less than or equal to $5MM, with an organization in Tech-Enabled High Margin Services, B2B SaaS or related markets, with a total headcount under 1,000. We seek businesses that we can positively impact within our sphere of knowledge and influence.