Push through business barriers.

From the growing pains of a small start-up to the operational challenges of a scale-up, we’ve seen them all. We’ve been there. We know the challenges of pipeline management. The go to market challenges. The pricing problem. The challenges of creating a rigorous corporate cadence.

Work with us to install the Cross/Section Operating System — a tailor-made system put in place to reduce the friction in your business and enable the growth that will push you through your next inflection point.

We solve business problems.

We’ve been through it. As a TOPGUN graduate and a serial entrepreneur with C-level responsibilities over the last 15 years, we’ve uncovered common pitfalls organizations face in the start-up and scale-up phases, whether you’re growing at a blitzscale velocity or managing a stable, lifestyle business. We’ve found the problem sets are contiguous even in seemingly highly discontinuous businesses.

These challenges stunt growth and limit teams from reaching their full potential and we love solving them.


Refine your product positioning, identify new market opportunities, analyze the audience’s needs and preferences and get aligned.


Build or refine product packaging, pricing, and selling motions to fit ideal customer profile preferences.


Leverage experience gained leading multiple Inc. 500 companies to create, rightsize, and build a roadmap for sales scale with the future in mind.


Embed processes and systems in your business that
unlock your potential.

Looking for Capital?

Scaling your business can be brutal.

Our proven process — which we call the Cross/Section Operating System — is our approach to overcoming the barriers in your business and planning these solutions with the future state in mind.

How do we do this? It’s simple. We ask questions. We create documentation. We memorialize decisions and use that information to be foundational for solving future problems.

  • You have a key business opportunity? Great. We’re there. We’ll help you close it.
  • Putting the final touches on a new product launch strategy? No worries. We’ll roll our sleeves up with you.
  • Mapping out a new sales strategy while entering a new market? We live for that. Let’s get the whiteboard out.

Support your business with partners that roll up their sleeves to work with you — not just provide you with soundbite advice.

Field of Dreams is a great movie, but “If you build it, they will come,” is not sound business advice. You don’t want to develop a product and put it on the market without understanding who would use it — or their motivations for doing so. Ensuring Product/Market Fit is the precursor to a solid Go-To-Market strategy.

  • Voice of Customer Analysis
  • Customer Needs Assessment
  • Value Proposition Planning
  • Defining Your ICP
  • Segmentation Analysis
We provide strategic & operational support in pushing your new or existing products to the market. Our team applies lessons learned through years of developing and marketing products in organizations and markets of all sizes.

  • Go To Market Speedometer
  • Sales Intensity Evaluation
  • Firmographic Documentation
  • Marketing Spend Optimization
  • Hands-on Assistance in Selling SKU 0-10
Revenue generation is obviously a critical component of running a growing business. But what about when revenue is stagnant or you’re missing sales goals? Work with us to uncover the underlying reasons for sales stagnation and implement sales tactics to bring growth.

  • CRM Selection/Advising
  • Sales Process Documentation
  • Sales Team Design & Forecasting
  • Market/Vertical Alignment
  • Predictable Revenue Process

We believe rigor is the key ingredient to develop growing businesses and leaders. Operational rigor creates organization and alignment — checks and balances — within a company that allows for predictable decision making and growth.

  • Institutional Tooling
  • Pacing & Cadence
  • Structured Problem Solving
  • Customer Journey Lines
  • Briefing/Debriefing Procedure

Our Outcomes

Learn how we work and the solutions we provide.

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